Why and how the person of opposite sexes attracts to each other?
Let me explain you the CONCEPT OF ATTRACTION....
When you see someone you like, it is about you. It's about your feelings, your desires, fears and hopes. You become obsessed by this person but at that moment in time it is just about your desires. The person you are attracted to, is removed from you at this moment of time.
It is INFATUATION, Lust........
It is also a very dangerous place to be in because if you don't act immediately, it becomes an idea in your head. Many a times I have seen girls, guys, women and men fall trap to this particular phase.
You see if this person is compatible. However, for those who take immediate action, it's very different.
If they do not linger in future and live in the present - to immediately approach, tease, flirt, converse. They find out instantly if the other person feels the same, if not then move on.
That's why its truly said by the author Adam Taha:-
" If you like someone, approach immediately. Don't assume , create some stories in your mind or some manipulative game to be a friend first when the intention is something else.You don't know this person. They may not be into you and you're putting all these energy into some story in your head. Find out fast. Take action now."
Here are 8 ways we measure ATTRACTIVENESS :-
1. VOICE - According to study, women like lower voices as more attractive and men were just the opposite - higher voices more attractive. And fast talkers were perceived to be smarter, and those utilizing inflection were considered more interesting.
2. SENSE OF HUMOR - Yes, sense of humor has the different important to each. For women, a man's sense of humor shows that he is creative and intelligent. For men, a woman that laughs at his jokes is signalling her sexual receptivity. In fact a similar sense of humor is important to long - term relationship success.
3. BODY LANGUAGE - Good posture and a pleasant expression register with other more quickly than our style or appearance. So, if we look happy, relaxed and interested, others are more likely to feel the same.
John Neffinger, an expert offers this bit advice ,
" Internally summon that attitude you're trying to project. Think about what you felt like the last time you truly felt confident. Once you've recaptured that feeling. you'll stand tall as you walk into the room.
4. REPUTATION - When we get to know someone, the first thing come in our mind is reputation. Yes we judge the person by his/her reputation which really matters. And when others already trust you , like you, and are attracted to you, new prospects will generally follow suit. This serves as a sort of mating shortcut for us: it's easier to trust others than do our own investigation. This is especially true of women. Studies show women will judge a man as more attractive if there is a attractive woman or two paying attention to him already.
5. STYLE - Stylish people looks more attractive to both sexes. We tend to be attracted to people within our own socioeconomic class. People tend to feel those with similar income and dress will also share our values, interest and opinions. As much as we may try to be impartial to these things. The hairs, nails shoes and clothes a person dons are different for us to separate from the person inside.
6. CHARISMATIC - Charisma can go a long way when it comes to attraction. If she/he like her/him , there must be something about her/him worth liking. 'If you're not feeling particularly confident, take it! Smile, make eye contact, and adjust your speech rate to meet theirs. They'll feel more connected with you, and if you keep it up, the act will become he realty.
7. APPEARANCE - Your looks really important to be attractive like - sizes, shaped features, fit body, symmetrical face, and clear skin are attractive to both sexes. Where the sexes vary is in signs of sufficient sex hormones. Men find signs of youth and high estrogen attractive : full lips, small nose and high cheekbones. Women on the other hand, prefer more adult features and signs of testosterone like a strong chin and nose. But in the end most people end up with a partner of a similar build to theirs own.
8. MOOD - If the person you are trying to charm is having a bad day, you may have a hard time getting through to them. This is because when we're feeling depressed, our ability to read social cues is dulled, as is our ability to construct accurate first impression....
Let me explain you the CONCEPT OF ATTRACTION....
When you see someone you like, it is about you. It's about your feelings, your desires, fears and hopes. You become obsessed by this person but at that moment in time it is just about your desires. The person you are attracted to, is removed from you at this moment of time.
It is INFATUATION, Lust........
It is also a very dangerous place to be in because if you don't act immediately, it becomes an idea in your head. Many a times I have seen girls, guys, women and men fall trap to this particular phase.
You see if this person is compatible. However, for those who take immediate action, it's very different.
If they do not linger in future and live in the present - to immediately approach, tease, flirt, converse. They find out instantly if the other person feels the same, if not then move on.
That's why its truly said by the author Adam Taha:-
" If you like someone, approach immediately. Don't assume , create some stories in your mind or some manipulative game to be a friend first when the intention is something else.You don't know this person. They may not be into you and you're putting all these energy into some story in your head. Find out fast. Take action now."
Here are 8 ways we measure ATTRACTIVENESS :-
1. VOICE - According to study, women like lower voices as more attractive and men were just the opposite - higher voices more attractive. And fast talkers were perceived to be smarter, and those utilizing inflection were considered more interesting.
2. SENSE OF HUMOR - Yes, sense of humor has the different important to each. For women, a man's sense of humor shows that he is creative and intelligent. For men, a woman that laughs at his jokes is signalling her sexual receptivity. In fact a similar sense of humor is important to long - term relationship success.
3. BODY LANGUAGE - Good posture and a pleasant expression register with other more quickly than our style or appearance. So, if we look happy, relaxed and interested, others are more likely to feel the same.
John Neffinger, an expert offers this bit advice ,
" Internally summon that attitude you're trying to project. Think about what you felt like the last time you truly felt confident. Once you've recaptured that feeling. you'll stand tall as you walk into the room.
4. REPUTATION - When we get to know someone, the first thing come in our mind is reputation. Yes we judge the person by his/her reputation which really matters. And when others already trust you , like you, and are attracted to you, new prospects will generally follow suit. This serves as a sort of mating shortcut for us: it's easier to trust others than do our own investigation. This is especially true of women. Studies show women will judge a man as more attractive if there is a attractive woman or two paying attention to him already.
5. STYLE - Stylish people looks more attractive to both sexes. We tend to be attracted to people within our own socioeconomic class. People tend to feel those with similar income and dress will also share our values, interest and opinions. As much as we may try to be impartial to these things. The hairs, nails shoes and clothes a person dons are different for us to separate from the person inside.
6. CHARISMATIC - Charisma can go a long way when it comes to attraction. If she/he like her/him , there must be something about her/him worth liking. 'If you're not feeling particularly confident, take it! Smile, make eye contact, and adjust your speech rate to meet theirs. They'll feel more connected with you, and if you keep it up, the act will become he realty.
7. APPEARANCE - Your looks really important to be attractive like - sizes, shaped features, fit body, symmetrical face, and clear skin are attractive to both sexes. Where the sexes vary is in signs of sufficient sex hormones. Men find signs of youth and high estrogen attractive : full lips, small nose and high cheekbones. Women on the other hand, prefer more adult features and signs of testosterone like a strong chin and nose. But in the end most people end up with a partner of a similar build to theirs own.
8. MOOD - If the person you are trying to charm is having a bad day, you may have a hard time getting through to them. This is because when we're feeling depressed, our ability to read social cues is dulled, as is our ability to construct accurate first impression....
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